Man Life is good! Ok so here's the story... I LOVE to travel to new far away places and Harry's family are letting me tag along with them to Abu Dhabi for Spring break... I was SO excited to get an invitation to this once in a life time experience that I totally forgot about the whole passport thing to leave the country....yeah... kind of important. I hadn't used my passport since I was 14 and I guess back then I didn't put important things in safe places so after lookin for awhile... I realized my passport was um, lost! First of all I knew I got it in 2003 so I was worried it had expired already... I was frantically looking all over for it... I finally found a copy of it which confirmed it didn't expire till May 2008!!!! This gave me A lot of hope, I told harry to go ahead and buy me the ticket because I WAS going to find that passport no matter what it took. And that is just what I did this weekend! Did I tell you life is good! I'm so excited!!!

Lucy--Ou etait votre passeport perdu? La tante de Harrison, Jo Ellen
What eLucive didn't tell you is that she had to get a new passport. When you travel, if the country you're visiting has an automatic visa (usually 3-6 months), you're passport has to be good for at least that long. So, we should get hers back next week or else ...we'll have to get another one.k8
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lolikneri havaqatsu
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