So last weekend (August 8th) we had A lot to celebrate so what did we do....? What we always do of course.... Go eat SUSHI! While enjoying our sushi we celebrated My moms "still cute even at 47" birthday T.J.'s "officially an adult at 18" birthday, also it was Alex's one year mark, summer semester finals were over, oh and most importantly we celebrated my room being clean! :) We also had a special treat because Alex's First companion, Marcus Hardy, just got home a week ago, looked me up on facebook and was able to meet up with us to go to sushi. It was SO much fun to talk with him. It made me miss Al SO SO SO much though.... but it was good to hear from Marcus about how happy Al is and how good he is at sharing the true gospel with the people of Arizona. It was a wonderful weekend, yes yes it was. OH and I went on a lovely 4 wooler ride with Mr. Harrison. Twas wonderfully wonderful! :)